Personal Registration
Please Complete the Registration Form
- Your account will NOT be associated with any school, college, or company.
- Only Credit Card payments are accepted.
- All orders will be charged shipping, handling, and sales tax.
- Orders can be placed immediately after the registration process is complete.
Register as a Current Customer
- If your organization currently uses Scantron products, enter your Scantron Organization ID number to be linked to your current account.
- If you do not know your Scantron Organization ID number, call 1-800-722-6876.
- Orders can be placed immediately after the registration process is complete.
Register as a New Customer
- If your organization has never purchased Scantron products, leave the Scantron Organization ID blank, complete all other fields and click Submit.
- It may take up to one business day before orders can be placed.
- If you have a tax-exempt certificate, please email a PDF copy to